Fire Coins Slot Review & Free Play Demo - By Playson

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Ongelmia Tuli kolikot ?

  • Slotin nimi Tuli kolikot
  • Kehittäjä Playson
  • Rivit 3
  • Kelat 5
  • RTP 95.64%
  • pelilinjat 5
  • Maks. voittaa x1065
  • Haihtuvuus N / A
  • Teema Classic Fruits, Coins, Bells
  • Release Date Lokakuu 19, 2023

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Lisensoi ja testannut

Fire Coins – Playson Slot Review

Step into a world of classic slot nostalgia blended with modern mechanics in Fire Coins: Hold and Win by Playson! This visually striking 3×3 slot takes the traditional fruit-themed slot and adds a fiery twist, making every spin an exciting adventure. With just 5 paylines, a max win potential of x1065, and the exhilarating Hold and Win mechanic, the game is going to be fun! If you prefer old-school slot machines or would like something innovative, then here’s a chance at the best from both worlds. First Impression of Fire Coins

On the surface, Fire Coins: Hold and Win is a good-looking game with sleek design and bright fruit symbols that give it that classic slot feel but with a modern twist. The Hold and Win feature is where the magic happens, adding another layer of excitement with its respin mechanic. While the max win of x1065 may not be the highest out there, the game offers a smooth and engaging experience that’s perfect for casual and seasoned players alike. We appreciate its simple yet rewarding gameplay and the inclusion of bonus symbols and fixed jackpots that spice things up!   

Fire Coins Slot is Free to Play at CasinoTreasure!

Why spend money when you can try before you buy? offers Fire Coins: Hold and Win in free play mode, so you can spin the reels without risking a single cent. This is a great way to get to know the game mechanics, test various betting strategies, and see the Hold and Win feature in action! Just head over to our platform and start spinning for free!


Fire Coins Symbols and Paytable Explained  

The reels of Fire Coins are packed with classic fruit symbols, alongside high-value icons that trigger exciting wins. Here’s what to look out for:  

1. Matalapalkkaiset symbolit: Cherries, Lemons, Plums, Grapes, Watermelons  

2. Korkeapalkkaiset symbolit: Bells and Coins  

3. Erikoissymbolit:

  • Bonus Coin Symbol: activates the Hold and Win feature  
  • Tahmea villi: replaces other symbols to complete winning combinations  


Bonuspelin erikoismekaanikko

The Hold and Win bonus game is the highlight of Fire Coins! To trigger this feature, land at least 3 bonus coins on the reels. Once activated, the reels transform, and players receive 3 respins, which reset every time a new coin lands. The goal? Fill the grid with coins to unlock fixed jackpots and massive rewards!  


Wild-symbolien vaihdot

Fire Coins introduces Sticky Wilds, sticking to the reels for several rotations, thus expanding the possibilities to score winning lines. These Wilds replace all regular symbols so that bigger wins are easy to hit! 


Fire Coins Specific Details  

Every slot game uses a specific set of mechanics and is no different when it comes to Fire Coins. Here’s what stands out:



For the high-speed action player, the TurboSpin option accelerates the game, with shorter delays on animation, allowing for quick spinning spins.


Automaattiset pyöräytykset

The Auto-Spin function enables the player to enter a number of mandatory spins that end with either a winning spin or when the balance is depleted. Great for hands-free gaming!


Fire Coins Bonus Buy 

Sad to say, Fire Coins: Hold and Win does not come with a Bonus Buy option. The only way to activate the Hold and Win bonus round is through hitting the necessary bonus symbols naturally. It might be challenging to enter this feature without one, but at least, keeps it thrilling! 


RTP ja volatiliteetti selitetty

  • RTP (Palaa Playeriin): Fire Coins RTP stands at a very good 95.64%, meaning that over the long term, the average return for every €100 played will be €95.64.
  • Haihtuvuus: Although Playson didn’t officially disclose the volatility level; however, lower max win of x1065 indicates that it is in the low-to-medium range, thus perfect for a casual player who likes frequent, but not too large a win.  


Strategia ja vinkkejä – CasinoTreasuren parhaiten varjeltuja salaisuuksia!  

Need to get maximum wins in Fire Coins? Here are some pro tips:

1. Aloita Free Play -tilasta – Nauti pelin tunteesta ilman oikeaa rahaa riskiä.  

2. Use Auto-Spins with Caution – Set a budget before using this feature to avoid overspending.  

3. Target the Hold and Win Feature – This is where the biggest wins happen!  

4. Panosta rajojesi sisällä – Adjust your stakes wisely to ensure long-term gameplay.  


Pelaa oikealla rahalla 

Liked the free version? You can continue and experience winning with real money when you play Fire Coins: Hold and Win on the best-rated online casino platforms. Go ahead and check out our list of reviewed and approved platforms where you can win for real! Verdict on the Fire Coins Slot

Fire Coins: Hold and Win is a great combination of old school slot magic with modern elements. The Hold and Win bonus mechanism keeps things fresh and lively, and Sticky Wilds and fixed jackpots only add to the excitement. It’s not a gigantic max win but its smooth graphics and fast-paced gameplay make it a great choice for players seeking fun and rewarding slot fun!


Plussat ja MIINUKSET


  • Classic 3×3 fruit slot with modern mechanics  
  • Hold and Win feature for bigger rewards  
  • Yksinkertainen mutta kiehtova pelattavuus  


  • Ei bonusostovaihtoehtoa  
  • Maksimivoitto voisi olla suurempi  

Casino Treasure offers this Free Demo Fire Coins in the following countries

Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan lippuYhdistynyt kuningaskunta

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Saksan lippuSaksa

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Ruotsin lippuRuotsi

Tanskan lippuTanska

UKK-osio – Sinä kysyit, me kuulimme sinut!

We respect our players! Below are some of the most common questions about Fire Coins: Hold and Win.  

Kuinka käyttää demoversiota ja ilmaista peliä?

Just visit and launch the free demo mode—no registration needed!

Mikä on slotin RTP?

RTP (Return to Player) is a percentage that indicates how much a slot returns to players over time. Fire Coins has an RTP of 95.64%.

Is it Safe to Play the Demo of Fire Coins?

Yes! The demo version is completely safe and allows you to play without risking real money.

Voitko kertoa minulle mitä volatiliteetti on?

Volatility pertains to the frequency with which a slot awards and its maximum win amount. Fire Coins will more than likely feature in the low to medium-range; winning is more or less often but their value isn't too extreme.

Tuleeko tähän kolikkopeliin mitään bonusominaisuuksia?

This game offers Sticky Wilds, Bonus Symbols, as well as the Hold and Win bonus game.

Is Fire Coins Free Play Mode Mobile-Friendly?

Yes! This game is completely compatible with mobile play and can be played on both iOS and Android.

How to Win on a Single Spin at Fire Coins?

The winning in Fire Coins depends on the combination of symbols on the paylines with Hold and Win giving the biggest possible rewards.



Katso Vielä enemmän
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Fire Coins on täydellinen voittaja! Grafiikka on terävää, ominaisuuksia on pakattu ja pelattavuus on yhtä sujuvaa kuin voita. Wildeillä, scattereilla ja bonuskierroksilla se saa sinut pyörimään ja hymyilemään. Se on kuin käteisen löytäminen vanhasta takin taskusta – jännittävää ja tyydyttävää. suosittelee!


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  • Slotin nimi Tuli kolikot
  • Kehittäjä Playson
  • Rivit 3
  • Kelat 5
  • RTP 95.64%
  • pelilinjat 5
  • Maks. voittaa x1065
  • Haihtuvuus N / A
  • Teema Classic Fruits, Coins, Bells
  • Release Date Lokakuu 19, 2023

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