The Frog Prince Slot Review & Free Play Demo - By KA Gaming

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Ongelmia Sammakkoprinssi ?

  • Slotin nimi Sammakkoprinssi
  • Kehittäjä KA Gaming
  • Kelojen määrä 3
  • Rivien määrä 5
  • RTP 96%
  • pelilinjat 25
  • Max Win 3,582x panoksesi
  • Haihtuvuus Keskipitkästä korkeaan
  • Teema Fairytale / Fantasy
  • Julkaisupäivä TBA

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T & Cs Käytä

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Ensimmäisen talletuksen bonus voidaan lunastaa vähintään 20 dollarin talletuksella. Tämä on vain ensimmäinen kolmesta bonuksesta, jotka uusi pelaaja voi lunastaa.
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*Vain uudet käyttäjät, ehtoja sovelletaan.

Lisensoi ja testannut First Impressions on The Frog Prince Slot

Step into the fairy tale world with The Frog Prince Slot by KA Gaming! This magical slot game is filled with exciting features, beautiful graphics, and lucrative bonus mechanics. The immersive theme, inspired by the classic fairytale, prepares the ground for exciting spins with a certified RTP of 96%. We at are excited about dynamic gameplay, attractive design, and potential big wins!

Play the Frog Prince Slot for Free at CasinoTreasure!

Want the magic without risk? Play The Frog Prince Slot absolutely free on! Our demo allows for all the excitement, symbols, and bonus features without registration or a deposit. It is just perfect to acquaint oneself with the game prior to playing for real money.


The Frog Prince Slot Symbols and Paytable Explanation

The game is filled with nicely designed symbols that align with the fairytale theme. Each symbol has its own payout potential, and special icons trigger bonuses and wild substitutions.

Bonuspelin erikoismekaanikko

Unlock the game’s exclusive bonus round for a chance to amplify your winnings! By landing the right combination of symbols, players can enter a rewarding mini-game packed with free spins, multipliers, and more surprises.

Wild-symbolien vaihdot

In the Frog Prince Slot, the Wild symbol is just like a joker. It would take on the place of other symbols to aid in the formation of that winning combination. This feature significantly boosts your chances of hitting a winning line.


Frog Prince Slot Special Features

Each slot is unique in its play, and The Frog Prince is no exception. These are some of the stand-out features that make this slot a must-play!

TurboSpins selitetty

Do you want quicker game spins? Then you should enable TurboSpins for spinning reels fast, rapidly and effectively. That would be good for the one who seeks more active gaming.

Automaattiset pyöräytykset

Don’t you like pressing the spin button manually? Just enable Auto-Spin, where the reels keep spinning till either a win or the balance that you set for is exhausted. Set your desired number of auto-spins as per your convenience.


The Frog Prince Slot Bonus Buy

Currently, there are no Bonus Buys in The Frog Prince Slot. Bonus rounds need to be activated through natural means: getting the right symbol combinations on the reels.


RTP and Volatility in a Nutshell

Return to Player (RTP) 96% = In other words, for each $100, on average over a long-term play, $96 can be expected back to the players. Volatility in this game ranges between medium and high, and it is considered to have relatively fewer wins; however, if the wins are received, then they are rather huge.


Strategia ja vinkit – CasinoTreasure Parhaat vartioidut salaisuudet!

  • Begin with the demo version to learn about the mechanism of the game.
  • Make use of the Welcome Bonus if available to maximize your chances.
  • Adjust your bet size according to your balance for longer gameplay.
  • Use TurboSpins for a more dynamic experience.
  • Remember, the game is based on luck, so always play responsibly!


Pelaa oikealla rahalla

If you’re ready to step into the real money gaming experience, check out these certified casinos that offer The Frog Prince Slot. Play responsibly and claim available bonuses for a better start! Verdict on The Frog Prince Slot

We love The Frog Prince Slot for its fairy-tale theme, high payout potential, and immersive features. The game has a great balance of fairytale magic and rewarding mechanics that make it an excellent choice for both casual and experienced players. Whether you are playing for fun or trying to win real money, this slot offers a great experience.

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UKK-osio – Sinä kysyit, me kuulimme sinut!

We always listen to our players! Here are some common questions and their answers:

Kuinka käyttää demoversiota ja ilmaista peliä?

Just go to, find The Frog Prince Slot, and click "Play for Free" – no registration needed!

Mikä on slotin RTP?

RTP stands for "Return to Player." The Frog Prince Slot has an RTP of 96%, meaning you can expect a return of 96% of your total wagers over time.

Is It Safe to Play the Demo of The Frog Prince Slot?

Absolutely! Playing the demo version at is entirely safe, no financial risk involved, and does not require depositing any funds.

Mikä on volatiliteetti?

Volatility is the frequency of a slot payout and the amount for those wins. The Frog Prince Slot offers medium to high volatility, meaning big wins less often.

Onko tässä kolikkopelissä mitään bonusvaihtoehtoja?

Indeed! The game provides bonus rounds, Wild substitutions, and free spins to boost your wins.

Is The Frog Prince Slot Free Play Available on Mobile?

Absolutely! The game is fully optimized for Android and iOS devices, which means it is completely seamless to play on mobile phones and tablets.

How to Win on a Spin at The Frog Prince Slot?

Since slot games are based on RNG (Random Number Generator), winning is all about luck! However, utilizing bonus features, free spins, and Wild substitutions can increase your chances of a big win.



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KA Gaming

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