Thimbles Slot Review & Free Play Demo - By Evoplay

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Ongelmia sormustimet ?

  • Slotin nimi sormustimet
  • Kehittäjä Evoplay
  • Rivit NA
  • Kelat NA
  • RTP 96%
  • pelilinjat NA
  • Minimipanos 1
  • Max Bet 100
  • Huippuvoitto 2x
  • Haihtuvuus Keski-korkea volatiliteetti

Sormustimet Demo ja kasinot

  • Tervetuliaisbonus € / $ / £ 1500
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  • Suuri bonus jopa 500 € / $ / £ tai 5 BTC (Bitcoin)
+ 180 ilmaiskierrosta
  • Tervetuliaisbonus 6000€ asti
+ 200 ilmaiskierrosta

Parhaat kasinobonukset 2025

Ensimmäisen talletuksen bonus voidaan lunastaa vähintään 10 dollarin talletuksella. Tämä on vain ensimmäinen neljästä bonuksesta, jotka uusi pelaaja voi lunastaa.

T & Cs Käytä

Vain uudet pelaajat! Ensitalletusbonus koskee vähintään 10 dollarin talletusta, täydelliset ehdot ja ehdot löytyvät tätä 18 +.

*Vain uudet käyttäjät, ehtoja sovelletaan.

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T & Cs Käytä

Jokainen tarjous on saatavilla yhdelle vaatimukselle laitetta, henkilöä, kotitaloutta, osoitetta, sähköpostiosoitetta tai rahoitustiliä kohti. 18+

*Vain uudet käyttäjät, ehtoja sovelletaan.

Ensimmäisen talletuksen bonus voidaan lunastaa vähintään 20 dollarin talletuksella. Tämä on vain ensimmäinen kolmesta bonuksesta, jotka uusi pelaaja voi lunastaa.
T & Cs Käytä
Kaikki Nine Casinon bonustarjoukset on tiukasti rajoitettu yhteen henkilöä ja laitetta kohden maakohtaisin rajoituksin; mikä tahansa väärinkäyttö voi johtaa hylkäämiseen ja voittojen menettämiseen. 18+
*Vain uudet käyttäjät, ehtoja sovelletaan.

Lisää kolikkopelejä Evoplaylta


Paikan yleiskatsaus:

  • Evoplay Entertainment’s Thimbles offers a fresh way to approach casino entertainment by using a shell game concept that replaces the slot reels and paylines. This is a street game based on thimbles where players try to guess which thimble contains the ball. Instead of spinning reels, it is more about making the right choice to ensure instant winnings.



  • No reels or paylines: deviates from standard slot mechanics.
  • Nopeatempoinen peli: allowing players to quickly place bets and see results.
  • Multipliers for correct guesses: adding a mix of strategy and luck.
  • Simple but engaging mechanics: making it ideal for both new and experienced players.
  • A variety of betting options: ensuring flexible gameplay for different budgets.

Pelin kulku ja mekaniikka

Kelat ja voittolinjat:

  • Unlike most slot games, Thimbles does not feature reels or paylines. Instead, players pick from three or more thimbles, under which the game randomly hides a ball.


  • Players can adjust their bet size before choosing a thimble. The specific betting limits depend on the casino, but generally, both low-stakes and high-stakes options are available.


Symbolit ja maksut:

  • No traditional slot symbols like Wilds or Scatters.
  • Players receive a multiplier on their stake if they correctly guess the ball’s location.
  • Some versions feature progressive multipliers, increasing winnings when players achieve multiple correct guesses in a row.

erityinen Ominaisuudet:

  • Risk Feature: In most versions, players can bet their wins to roll for multiplying their payout.
  • Thimble Selection Variations: Some versions allow the player to choose the number of thimbles, which changes the risk-to-reward ratio; fewer thimbles would increase the chances of winning but lower the payoffs, and more thimbles would give higher potential payouts but lower the chances of success.


Suunnittelu ja teema


  • It has high-gloss and highly polished graphics; the movement of the thimbles and ball is highly realistic, hence quite an attractive experience. The interface is clear and easy to navigate.


  • Thimbles is the epitome of classic street gambling. It provides a real-life experience of a shell game while ensuring the quality and security of an online casino experience. The theme is well done, and smooth animations and sound effects really create an immersive environment that makes for a good gaming experience.


RTP ja volatiliteetti


  • RTP stands for Return to Player, the game offering about 96.00% return to player RTP, which matches many other games available online with regard to a fair payout ratio.


  • Thimbles has a medium to high volatility where there are very few wins, but they could be significant. The paylines will often go for stretches either winning or losing so it is really for players that enjoy the riskier games of chance.


Bonusominaisuudet ja ilmaiskierrokset


  • Some versions include a double-up feature, allowing players to wager their winnings for an opportunity to increase their payouts.


  • Unlike conventional slot games, Thimbles does not offer free spins, as the game follows an instant-win format rather than a spinning reel system.


Hyvät ja huonot puolet


  • Unique, non-traditional gameplay – a refreshing break from classic slots.
  • Fast-paced and interactive, making it perfect for short gaming sessions.
  • Helppo ymmärtää, making it suitable for beginners.
  • No complex bonus rounds, allowing for straightforward betting and winning.


  • No free spins or elaborate bonus rounds, which may disappoint traditional slot fans.
  • Suuri volatiliteetti, meaning players may experience losing streaks before hitting significant wins.
  • More reliant on chance than skill, despite its interactive nature.


Lopullinen Verdict

Thimbles is a great option for those seeking fast, dynamic, and exciting fun with a casino game. Instant results and easy way of staking excite with multipliers, while traditional gameplay mechanics like reels, pay lines, Wilds, Free Spins are missing. The game is simple and exciting, but does not fit players who would prefer bonus-packed slots with their free spins and progressive jackpots.



 8/10 – A refreshing and entertaining game that offers a different kind of casino experience, though it may not be suited for players looking for classic slot mechanics.

Casino Treasure offers this Free Demo Thimbles in the following countries

Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan lippuYhdistynyt kuningaskunta

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Saksan lippuSaksa

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UKK-osio – Sinä kysyit, me kuulimme sinut!

How do you play Thimbles?

Instead of spinning reels, Thimbles requires players to pick one of three (or more) thimbles under which a ball is randomly placed. If you correctly guess where the ball is hidden, you win a payout based on the multiplier.

What is the RTP of Thimbles?

The Thimbles slot has an estimated RTP (Return to Player) of around 96.00%, which is similar to many standard online slots. This means that, over time, players can expect to receive back 96% of their total wagers on average.

Is Thimbles a skill-based game or purely luck?

Thimbles is primarily a luck-based game, as the ball is randomly placed under a thimble. However, players can sometimes influence their strategy by choosing different bet sizes or opting for rounds with fewer or more thimbles, affecting their chances of winning.

Are there any special features or bonus rounds?

Unlike traditional slot games, Thimbles does not have free spins or wild symbols. However, some versions include a risk/double-up feature, allowing players to gamble their winnings for a chance to increase payouts.

Can I play Thimbles for free?

Yes, many online casinos offer a demo version of Thimbles, allowing players to try the game for free before betting real money. This is a great way to practice and understand the mechanics without financial risk.

Is Thimbles available on mobile devices?

Yes, Thimbles is fully optimized for mobile play. It runs smoothly on both Android and iOS devices, ensuring an engaging gaming experience on smartphones and tablets.



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